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Guide to success in international tests
Dr. Ahmed, please introduce yourself and your educational experiences
I am Dr. Ahmed Ghaleb Bani Yassin. I hold a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and master’s and doctoral degrees in mathematics curricula and teaching methods. I work as an educational supervisor and mathematics teacher in a number of international schools in Jordan
? SAT, ACT, and AP How do students benefit from summer vacation in order to qualify for the AP tests?
Most students try to use their time during the summer holidays to prepare for international exams, especially during the school holiday, which enables them to take morning classes with the academies specialized in that.
How can we ensure the stability of the motivation process and students’ motivation to learn during the summer vacation, especially since students’ motivation is lower during vacation?
One of the most important advantages of learning during summer vacation is that the student has a lot of free time, and thus allocating a small amount of time for the student to learning compared to the time he spent during the school year will be beneficial. There is no doubt that the expert teacher’s style increases the students’ motivation towards learning.
What skills can students acquire when they attend or register for qualifying lesson programs in order to enhance their educational capabilities?
The skill of time management during the test and the skills of using a calculator, especially since the time factor plays a major role in international tests. The student must acquire the skill of solving problems in short ways, and here lies the importance of calculators, which greatly help in solving problems as quickly as possible.
For students who are unable to attend preparatory programs due to lack of time or lack of financial ability, what guidelines do you recommend to make the most of and prepare optimally for the SAT, ACT, and AP tests?
There are many websites on the Internet and YouTube channels that contain free explanation lessons for all subjects, available at any time. I encourage everyone to practice by solving several sample questions and taking a complete test
[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”To practice a free sample test, click here” style=”custom” custom_background=”#fec731″ custom_text=”#666666″ size=”btn-md” align=”center” link=”url :https%3A%2F%2Fcasiocalculators-mea.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F06%2Fsat-practice-test-11.pdf” el_class=”linkSec”][vc_column_text]
What is the most attractive teaching style for students in your opinion?
The method of dialogue and teaching is from heart to heart, avoiding the (one-sided) lecture method in education, and using technology in education.
Have Casio calculators helped your students during teaching or on tests? Did it contribute to acquiring new skills related to mathematics?
FX-991EX Yes, of course. Casio calculators are characterized by simplicity, ease of use and efficiency. They also contain many mathematical functions such as solving equations, matrices, statistics and many others. For example, the model
I use it in my book and it has helped many of my students solve problems easily
What is the importance of preparatory booklets and what is their role in developing students’ mathematical skills?
These booklets are summaries of the most important necessary information from books with hundreds of pages, and are presented in a clear and easy way, saving the student effort and time by referring to them instead of referring to several references.
What challenges do students face in understanding mathematics skills in general?
One of the most important challenges facing students in understanding mathematics skills is the psychological aspect, as many students believe that mathematics is difficult to understand, in addition to the weak foundation in mathematics in the basic stages.
Is the use of special educational programs limited to students with low achievement only?
Of course not, as high-achieving students also need special educational programs that suit their level of achievement and increase their efficiency.
What is the community’s view of students who take turns in private tutoring programs?
I expect that society’s view has differed, as there are many reasons why most parents turn to private educational lessons due to family circumstances, such as the lack of full-time work and the inability of parents to teach their children due to the distance of their specialization from the field of education.
How are students evaluated and their possession of a skill detected?
These skills are revealed during all stages of learning, as I resort to the observation and interview method, and this is before learning the skill. Of course, we also resort to all kinds of tests and finally the summative evaluation