Essential Tips for First-Year University Students
What are the challenges that freshmen students are facing at universities or colleges?
One challenge is understanding several mathematical concepts that are best viewed in softwares that can graph/analyze such a situation. In Zayed University for exampl,e in order to best tackle this issue which we call it “math phobia” we ask students to always be carrying a CASIO calculator. They will always need it in order to solve questions and/or practice on more similar questions.
What advice would you like to pass along to first-year students?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions to your teacher. Keep asking until you understand the topic completely. To measure your understanding of a concept, try asking a friend to listen to you explaining that topic and ask them for feedback.
Can you please share a message with school students to prepare efficiently before the first year of university?
Make sure that you know all of the SAT or previously studied subjects very well and test yourself to make sure that you’re ready. You need to take most of the responsibility for getting the best education with hard work.
From your point of view, what are the jobs of the Future? And what are the majors that have the most job opportunities?
We think that Artificial Intelligence and Virtual/Augmented Reality will be the best option for students who love science and math.
What is the Importance of educational technologies for universities especially in the UAE?
Educational technologies are essential in that we can’t really teach nowadays without using them. UAE is actually one of the most technologically advanced countries and it’s good to be a student in the UAE especially since 2001.
How do you see Math coming side-by-side with future technology?
Math is the mother of all sciences and you can’t be a good scientist without a solid background in mathematics. So, without question, Math will be always a subject that ALL students majoring in any science major should take.
Can you explain the role of graphic calculators for students and how they can be beneficial for them?
In calculus, it’s not very easy to visualize functions, especially in 3D. So Graphic calculators can make viewing curves and surfaces in 3D possible and this is only one example as Casio Graphing calculators are usually equipped with a lot more than 3D graphing. These Casio calculators can do Statistics, chemistry, and physics.
What are the main majors that depend on calculators in acquiring knowledge effectively?
Any science major student needs calculators in many of their major courses.
And finally, what is your vision for education in the coming years?
We think that virtual reality will take over and classes will be taught in VR and universities will become more global in the sense that they will combine to create new and useful degrees that allow students to find the best job. One good example that you need to check for yourself is Zayed University X Minerva.